Thursday, August 16, 2007

Enchanting New Mexico

!Hola! from New Mexico, land of true enchantment! We rumbled up to our Aunt Lisa's house on Saturday, August 11th on a dirt road; an everyday-sort-of-magical telltale of the forget-me-not weekend to come.

The town of Truth or Consequences is the true meaning of America to me. You have people of all shapes, sizes, personalities grappling with their own lives and yet still leaving their doors wide open to those who need their neighbors whatever situation it might be. Whether it's more hot chocolate, an extra floaty for swimming, or just a needed "hello!", I was in awe of how close and friendly EVERYONE was in this small town. And to delve into more of the warmth of this town, we visited the town museum.

I guess being a treasure hunter comes in handy at these museums with the ability of plucking facts off their vines of knowledge! Devour these fun facts:

  • The town of TorC was originally called Hot Springs

  • Hot Springs changed its name to Truth or Consequences after a winning a contest sponsored by Ralph Edwards, star of the hit television and radio show of the same name

The great Apache chief, Geronimo, dipped his face into a hot spring well years ago and gave the water a special blessing received by all who relax there.
Just like our trip, this is just a sampler taste of the history of New Mexico and the background of the hidden gem of a town strung on America's jeweled necklace. Learn more about TorC and send it to us! You just might see your fact in Treasure Hunt III!

The next day, we set out for Elephant Butte, a spectacular lake of elegant blue that surrounded an enormous rock formation that looked like a wise old elephant with the rock's texture seeming like his weathered wrinkles. We were once again swept off our feet by the waves of generosity the flowed from my aunt's neighbors, John, Marilyn and Jessie, who provided floaties, laughter, an aborable lab named Bo and most of all their open arms and company. We tried seadoos for the first time -- such a blast!

John grilled a great dinner lakeside and then entertained us with his guitar and country tunes. Both John and Jess are veterans (Jess of Iraqi Freedom and John from Viet Nam), so we enjoyed sharing with them the mission of ThanksUSA.

We are off to Arizona tomorrow after a fun-filled weekend.

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