Friday, August 24, 2007

SD scholars

We drove from Wyoming to South Dakota via Yellowstone Park. What an adventure! We had close up and personal encounters with buffalo, elk, and a momma Grizzly Bear and her two cubs. A visit to Cody, Wyoming and the Buffalo Bill Museum capped off an awesome day that reminded us how wonderful all our national parks are and that we have the privilege in this country to tour them freely.....

Next stop was the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Crazy Horse Memorial. This is an enormous undertaking (all private, no government support spanning more than a half century) to create a vast monument to North America's Indians. The girls are standing beside one of the small models for the giant monument. Twenty miles down the road we toured Mount Rushmore and stood there for a long moment totally in awe of the likenesses of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. We think we should add more facts about all of these great presidents in Treasure Hunt III.

At the end of the day we met with two South Dakota scholars. The first one was Nadine Taylor (and her mom, Sandra) who successfully completed her academic work last year with a 4.0 gpa. She received a ThanksUSA scholarship this year, as well. Second, was a hometown friend of Nadine's named Autmn Stocking. Her dad is an active duty Air Force officer. She is studying to be a special education teacher. What two delightful young ladies who are already making a big difference in their own communities and beyond.

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